Floor Plans & Capacities

Nearly a third of the UCLA Luskin Conference Center’s 25,000 square feet of meeting space is dedicated to the 7,800-square-foot Centennial Ballroom. Floor-to-ceiling windows allow the California sunshine to illuminate this inviting space, which provides theater seating or banquet style seating. Depending on the needs of your event, this inspiring space can be subdivided via airwall into two, three or four salons and is truly a sensational Southern California meeting venue. The Luskin Conference Center also includes a tiered classroom with a 30-foot projection screen. Twenty-four additional breakout rooms round out the meeting space and provide a wide range of options for facilitating your event’s smaller sessions and workshops. All meeting spaces in this UCLA hotel are equipped with an array of amenities and the latest in audio-visual technology.

Facility Highlights

  • Multi-purpose 7,800-square-foot Centennial Ballroom
  • 24 versatile breakout rooms
  • 12,000-square-foot outdoor Centennial Terrace with Campus Views
  • Tiered classroom with 30-foot projection screen
  • Enriching amenities and integrated audio-visual services
  • Top-rated Luskin Conference Center catering available for all events
  • Level One

    level one meeting room floor plan
  • Level Two

    level two meeting room floor plan
  • Level Three

    level three floor plan at luskin conference center
  • Level One

    level one meeting room floor plan
  • Level Two

    level two meeting room floor plan
  • Level Three

    level three floor plan at luskin conference center
  • Level One

    level one meeting room floor plan
  • Level Two

    level two meeting room floor plan
  • Level Three

    level three floor plan at luskin conference center

Level one meeting roomssquare feetreceptiontheater styleBANQUET ROUNDS OF 10classroom stylehollow squareu-shapeBoardroom
Nobel Lounge543N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A10
Laureate Room (Fixed Seating)1790N/AN/AN/A90N/AN/AN/A
Centennial Ballroom — A, B, C, D7794760960480480160130104
Centennial Ballroom — A & B or C & D3529350390240240906658
Centennial Ballroom — A, B, C or D1785170195100108605146

Level two meeting roomssquare feetreceptiontheater styleBANQUET ROUNDS OF 10classroom stylehollow squareu-shapeBoardroom
Optimist — A & B176316016010084544534
Optimist — A87680805042262228
Optimist — B88780805042262228
Visionary Boardroom591N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A14
Legacy — A & B176316016010084544534
Legacy — A88880805042262228
Legacy — B87380805042262228
Collaboration Boardroom591N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A14

Level three meeting roomssquare feetreceptiontheaterBanquet rounds of 10classroom stylehollow squareu-shapeBoardroom
Centennial Terrace (Outdoor)12041620N/A560N/AN/AN/AN/A