A special visit to a special place should also include a special meal! Guests at our dog-friendly hotel and restaurant can treat their well-behaved companions to a taste of the finer things by selecting a meal for them from our new Canine Cookery menu and enjoying some time together outside in our olive tree courtyard or patio. Selections are made in-house by our professional chefs using fresh and healthy ingredients. We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Patio Rules:
Please allow your dog to enjoy their meal while standing or sitting on the ground (do not place your dog on the table, in your lap or on a chair, even if they give you those hard-to resist puppy-dog eyes).
Avoid the “three B’s”: Begging, Barking & Biting (this applies to your dog as well).
Your canine friend’s meal will be served in their own special bowl. Please ruff-rain from allowing them to eat from your plate or drink from your glass.
Your server is not allowed to pet your sweet pupper (no matter how much they want to). It’s nothing personal, fur real!
Fur the safety of your dog, and that of our other human and canine guests, please keep your canine on a leash and within your reach at all times.
Dogs must remain outside the restaurant at all times (with the exception of service dogs). They are free to enjoy the Collie-fornia weather in our olive tree courtyard and surrounding patios.